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Sunday, May 9, 2010


This morning I find myself enjoying very much a photograph that I recently scanned from a negative that has actually been languishing untouched in my banking files for about twenty years. My mother mailed it to us several years after the wedding of Lozanne’s youngest sister in 1986. It is an exceptionally well composed photograph given the offhand way it was snapped in a darkened reception hall. I had always meant to have the negative developed, but somehow never got around to doing it. With the arrival of the digital age and my scanner that magically digitizes slides and negatives, I finally brought the picture back to life. This digital photo is presently the “wallpaper” on my computer screen.

There we are, Lozanne and I, dressed for a wedding, smiling and, almost disturbingly, much younger. The shot exudes youth, strength, vigour and for Lozanne’s part, beauty. The well lit close up photograph with a very dark background presents us as tanned, relaxed and ready to take on the world. My hair and moustache are dark and full. I was thirty-eight years of age and Lozanne was almost thirty-six. Lozanne’s hair style and dress both suit her so well. In short, it is my favourite picture of my beautiful bride. There are some surprisingly clear and explicit verses in the Bible. If they were to be read on television, perhaps “Due to adult content, viewer discretion is advised” would be announced. One such section of excellent and wise advice is found in Proverbs 5: 18-19. I heartily recommend the following advice.

18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth.

19 As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love.

Late in the summer of 1968, while attending the wedding of my cousin, I introduced my bride of six weeks to my paternal grandfather. He was to pass away shortly after Christmas of that year. I have never forgotten how he absolutely charmed Lozanne with what he said. He shook my hand and said “I wanted to wish you the best, but I see you already have it”. All I can say forty- two years later is that Grandpa Hall was indeed prophetic.

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