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Monday, September 20, 2010

Call Unto Me

This summer I was taken aback by the words of a young man who certainly appeared to be what we would refer to as “the common man”. He was a well behaved protester at the G8 Summit in Toronto being interviewed by CBC news. His wisdom simply startled me. He voiced so eloquently what I have been feeling in the last year or so in words that made so much sense. He looked straight into the camera and said:

“What we have now in the global economy is socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor.”

The huge corporate bailouts which governments have paid out to the banks in the United States and General Motors and Chrysler in the United States and Canada are being financed by the tax payer. I wondered at the time how such greed and incompetence could be rewarded by the seemingly hypnotized establishment. It is becoming evident that the banks and the car companies are flourishing, although the auto makers continue to lay off workers, but the economy continues to be weak in the United States and now in Canada it is slowing down. Unemployment continues to rise and who is doing the suffering…the little guy, the common man, not to even mention the poor in the developing nations of this world. The words spoken by this protester on the lawn of Queen’s Park are indeed true. The two national governments, in the guise of helping the common good, have employed socialism to subsidize the wealthy, but they are continuing to assure the common man that the market controls unemployment and their suffering. Despite the incentives and increased unemployment benefits offered to stimulate the economy, the lion’s share of the money went to the richest of the rich who surprise, surprise, continue to grow richer. We the taxpayer are faced with a growing debt, rising taxes, sometimes buried in things like Harmonized Sales Tax and now the spectre of privatized medicine.

It is so very evident to me that the secularization of North America can explain so much of what befalls us. As we in North America consciously move away for God and God’s Word, the clouds just continue to become blacker. Instead of helping the poor, we offer them capitalism as their way out and shower the wealthy with more and more of our hard earned tax dollars.

The actual words of God found in Jeremiah 33:3 make the error of secularization perfectly clear.

3 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

The Message renders the last clause as “wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own”.

All we have to do is have the faith to “Call unto” Him and he will answer us. Few of us are calling these days and you can see the results everywhere you look.

(Comments, corrections, suggestions or rebuttals are welcome. My email link is contained in “About me: view my complete profile” to the right of this page or use the comment section below which requires that you have a Google account.)

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